Invincible Summer |||

Bear and Scarecrow

Meet my friends

Herr Scarecrow
thin as winter 
almost elegant 
with hunger

rueful smile 
cold as wind
through a hedge

he must live in the woods 
never let him in the house 
we cannot bear his stories

you might have seen him 
when the rain cleared
sitting in the fields 
counting his stones

believe him 
lacking flesh to lie with
his truth is a famine

Mr Bear Mr Bear 
has lots of hair 
and paws with claws 
and long strong jaws

Mr Bear my friend 
we lost you when 
in the park one day 
I don’t know 
something happened

we were very small

when you returned 
we hardly knew you 

beware beware 
the bear 
is a friend with teeth 

he dances 
I didn’t teach him 
churning the earth 
thinking of country matters 

in the high fields 
a swarm of bees 
twists in weak sunlight

out of his sight 
I celebrate my bear 
hug trees and weep 
strew my hair with flowers 

See also “Sometimes a Wild God” by Tom Hirons