Invincible Summer |||

Sports and high-culture news

Andrew Keen worries in this essay that Web 2.0 is dissolving our culture into narcissistic white noise. (Like we needed new technology to do this?) Alarmed and presumably non-existent readers should be reassured to know that this recidivist blogger is thoroughly familiar with the white flower boy and never supposed this blog to be anything but a digital reflecting pool.

The Chap

Meanwhile, in London, tickets to the Chap Olympics are sold out.

And I’ve posted a new poem, just to offset this white-noise thing. (Can’t do anything about the narcissism though.)

Up next Against the fragile human land In my dreams I’m still driving… Meantime, police in London report finding a car bomb outside a Park Lane night club, lucky things. MPs in the Tidal power in Westminster Yesterday’s speech in Parliament by Gordon Brown, his first as prime minister, is the most cheerful noise we’ve heard from government for years.
Latest posts In the mean time between failures For Nigel, whenever I might find him A struggle for life Notes on post-secular – 2 Before I forget Homily 1 – Education Heroes and villeins Swimming to America Notes on post-secular – 1 Meditation as civil resistance Without reservations Tour notes A revolution in France Your right to bare arms Y q? The return of the king Clarity, rigour and Rory Stewart The World’s End Book Club Remembering Bel Macdonald Barts hearts and faces Summer on wheels All that jazz: The librarian’s song Sandals on their way home A short history of the Australian Flat White Cycling glove, slightly foxed Untoward occurrence at embassy poetry reading To Go to Lvov The founding of Iverson College The pot-boy’s story Prisoners of our own device How green is my valley