Invincible Summer |||

What is a life? Two billion heartbeats. Perhaps four thousand books. And how many keystrokes?

Q is an array-programming language optimised for timeseries. It is implemented as a domain-specific PL embedded in k4, a descendant of APL and Lisp. Q is fast, functional, and brutally terse. You will love it.

Salient features:

  • Implicit iteration Most q primitives have Map built into them and just iterate across arrays. You don’t need to tell q to loop through a list.
  • Iteration operators provide other iteration patterns such as Map/Reduce and Fold.
  • Republic of operators With a rich set of primitives you don’t want to memorise another operator precedence hierarchy. So q doesn’t have one.
  • Prefix notation clarifies the common case where the result of one function is the argument of the next. Instead of writing sum[cos[2+first[list]]] write sum cos 2+first list.
  • First-class objects include tables, dictionaries and lambdas.
  • Application and indexing are the same thing, and the syntax reflects it, a fundamental insight of the language. Discover what this makes possible in your code.
  • Vector literals Q takes vectors seriously. You don’t construct a boolean vector as (true;false;true) but as 101b; the first natural numbers are not (1,2,3) but 1 2 3. You will love the way your q code looks.

Here’s q code to draw the Mandelbrot Set in ASCII, adapted from Michal Wallace.

s:{(.[-]x*x),2*prd x}            / complex square (x is R,Im pair)
m:{floor sqrt sum x*x}           / magnitude (distance from origin)

d: 120 60                        / dimensions of the picture
t: -88 -30                       / camera translation
f: reciprocal 40 20              / scale factor

c: (,/:\:) . f * t + til each d  / complex plane near mandelbrot set
z: d # enlist 0 0                / 3d array of zeroes in same shape
mb: c+ (s'')@                    / Mandelbrot: s(z) + c
r: 1 _ 8 mb\z                    / collect 8 times

o: " 12345678"@ sum 2<m'''[r]    / "color" by how soon point "escapes"

-1 "\n"sv flip o;                / transpose and print the output

Here’s the result. (Compare solutions in other languages at Rosetta Code.)

Mandelbrot Set in ASCII

Save q tables to file and you get kdb+, for two decades the world’s fastest column-store timeseries database. Q includes SQL-like queries built from functional equivalents of greater power and generality.

Q is implemented in C, runs close to the metal, and is bewilderingly fast. For most of its life it has been restricted mostly to financial institutions willing to pay a premium for extreme speed.

I’ve been blessed with access to a q licence and because of its elegance and economy it has become my go-to language for hacking and solving problems.

Now q is becoming more widely accessible through cloud-based services, and the kdb+ Personal Edition is available for free download. You might want to try it yourself.

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