Invincible Summer |||

Tidal power in Westminster

Yesterday’s speech in Parliament by Gordon Brown, his first as prime minister, is the most cheerful noise we’ve heard from government for years. Allowing that we have yet to see the substance of it, granting that it leaves one wondering “Where was Gordon?” when Iraq and SOCPA a-and all that was going down in the first place, what we have is the incoming prime minister announcing the turn of the tide of power that has been flooding in to N­­umber Ten for the last two decades. Perhaps a first step towards the rebuilding of local democracy and the institutions of dissent? Perhaps we might inch towards the kind of local autonomy Simon enjoys in Fanas?

On Sunday we’re meeting our neighbours.

Up next Sports and high-culture news Andrew Keen worries in this essay that Web 2.0 is dissolving our culture into narcissistic white noise. (Like we needed new technology to do this?) Technology, society More clips from my reading. No one was specializing yet. That came later, when the bureaus and paranoias moved in, and the organization charts
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